Jackson School of Geosciences - University of Texas at Austin
The course introduces geoscientists to numerical solution of dynamical problems arising in the solid earth geosciences. The students will develop their own codes in Matlab and apply them to gain insight into heat transfer, wave propagation, elastic and viscous deformations. Familiarity with Matlab is assumed, for an introduction to Matlab please attend GEO 325G.
The course content will be guided by a current research problem. The class project from Spring 2018 on Occator crater on Ceres has just been published in GRL. The 2019 class project for this spring will look at oxidant transport through Europa’s ice shell, which is thought to be a key to the habitability of its interior ocean.
Office hours: MW 3-4pm in JGB 2.102A (in the JSG Student Center by the Pangea Cafe)
Course websites:
Course discussion forum is on Piazza, see tab in menu on the left.
Matlab background:
Here are some LiveScripts I prepared for a previous class. If you don’t have much Matlab experience, please look through them. Vectorized programming is a particularly important topic. Vectorized programming is a particularly important topic.
Below are two files that I have sometimes used for the demos in class. If you put them into the folder with class files you should have not problem.
Lecture 1 (Jan 22): Class introduction & project
Lecture 2 (Jan 24): Conservation laws
Lecture 3 (Jan 29): Discrete Operators
Lecture 4 (Jan 31): Flow in an elastic rock
Lecture 5 (Feb 5): Flow in a ductile rock
Lecture 6 (Feb 7): Dirichlet Boundary Conditions - Part I
Lecture 7 (Feb 12): Dirichlet Boundary Conditions - Part II
Lecture 8 (Feb 14): Hydraulic head
Lecture 9 (Feb 19): Scaling
Lecture 10 (Feb 21): Analytic solutions & physical properties
Lecture 11 (Feb 26): Neumann Boundary Conditions
Lecture 12 (Feb 28): Fluxes & variable coefficients
Lecture 13 (Mar 5): Advection
I have assembled this lecture from previous notes that use different symbols and examples. Fortunately, one student has offered to share her notes (Lecture13.pdf) that capture the flow of the lecture and have proper context for this class. My own notes are also supplied but not strictly necessary (Method_of_Characteristics.pdf, DiscretizationAdvective.pdf).
Lecture X (Mar 7): No class due to travel
Lecture 14 (Mar12): Advection and Time stepping
Again, I have assembled this lecture from previous notes that use different symbols and examples. Fortunately, one student has offered to share her notes (Lecture14.pdf) that capture the flow of the lecture and have proper context for this class. My own notes are also supplied but not strictly necessary (Timestepping.pdf)
Lecture 15 (Mar 14): Solving the full system of equations
Lecture 16 (Mar 26): Moving into 2D - Part 1
*Lecture 17 (Mar 28): Moving into 2D - Part 2
Lecture 18 (Apr 2): Advection in 2D - Part 1
Lecture 19 (Apr 4): Advection in 2D - Part 2
Lecture 20 (Apr 9): Mass transport in two-phase flow
Lecture (Apr 11): cancelled
Lecture 21 (Apr 16): Oxidant Transport Discretization
Lecture 22 (Apr 18): Partitioning tracer
Lecture 23 (Apr 23): Energy and Enthalpy
Lecture 24 (Apr 25): Melting of single component system
Lecture 25 (Apr 30): Simplified melting model
Lecture 27 (May 2): Eutectic system 1
Lecture 28 (May 7): Eutectic system 2
Lecture 29 (May 8): Cooling of the near surface brine