Jackson School of Geosciences - University of Texas at Austin
Covers numerical solution of dynamical problems arising in the solid earth geosciences. Entails development of individual codes in Matlab and application of codes to understanding heat transfer, wave propagation, elastic, and viscous deformations. Requires familiarity with Matlab.
The course content will be guided by a current research problem that typically leads to a scientific publication within the following year or two. In past classes we have worked on the following problems:
Spring 2018: Impact-induced cryovolcanism in Occator Crater on dwarf planet Ceres [paper 1] [paper 2]
Spring 2019: Transport of surface oxidants through Europa’s ice shell [paper 1]
Spring 2020: Convective upwelling in Europa’s ice shell [paper 1] [paper 2]
Spring 2021: Mars groundwater response to impact cratering [paper 1]
Spring 2022: Two-phase convection in Europa’s ice shell [paper in the works]
Spring 2023: Post-impact hydrothermal convection [paper in the works]
Spring 2024: Preferential flow in infiltration
Here are some LiveScripts I prepared for the first class in 2018 that didn’t have a Matlab prerequisite. If you don’t have much Matlab experience, please look through them. Vectorized programming is a particularly important topic.
Below are two files that I have sometimes used for the demos in class. If you put them into the folder with class files you should have no problem.
In spring 2024 we will develop a model for infiltration of rain water. We will start from the standard description of unsaturated flow given by Richards’ equations. From there we can explore several extensions depending on time available. Options are: 1) Flow of soil gas, 2) Freezing and thawing soild, 3) Preferrential flow.