GEO 325M/398M Numerical Modeling in the Geosciences

Jackson School of Geosciences - University of Texas at Austin

Project maintained by mhesse Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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This years course project

In spring 2024 we will develop a model for infiltration of rain water. We will start from the standard description of unsaturated flow given by Richards’ equations. From there we can explore several extensions depending on time available. Options are: 1) Flow of soil gas, 2) Freezing and thawing soild, 3) Preferrential flow.


Lecture 1 (Jan 16): Course Project and Conservation Laws

Lecture 2 (Jan 18): Balance laws

Lecture 3 (Jan 23): Introduction to numerics

Lecture 4 (Jan 25): Conservative Finite Differences

1D Saturated Flow (Poisson Equation)

Lecture 5 (Jan 30): Discrete Operators

Lecture 6 (Feb 1): Shallow Aquifer Model

Lecture 7 (Feb 6): Dirichlet Boundary Conditions

Lecture 8 (Feb 8): Effective conductivity of layered media

Lecture 9 (Feb 13): Discretizing heterogenous coefficients

Lecture 10 (Feb 15): Fluxes and Flux Boundary condition

2D Saturated flow

Lecture 11 (Feb 20): 2D Discrete operators - Part I

Lecture 12 (Feb 22): 2D Discrete operators - Part II

Lecture 13 (Feb 27): Streamlines and Streamfunction

Lecture 14 (Feb 29): Numerical Streamfunction

Lecture 15 (Mar 5): Correlated Random Fields

Lecture 16 (Mar 7): Solute Transport

Lecture 17 (Mar 19): Transient Diffusion

Lecture 18 (Mar 21): Time integration

Lecture 19 (Mar 26): Advection equation

Lecture 20 (Mar 28): 1D Advection operator

Lecture 21 (Apr 2): 2D Advection operator

Unsaturated flow

Lecture 22 (Apr 4): Richards equation

Lecture 23 (Apr 9): Capillary diffusion

Lecture 24 (Apr 11): Fully-coupled solution

Lecture 25 (Apr 16): Newton’s Method with Analytical Jacobian

Lecture 26 (Apr 18): Gravity driven infiltration

Lecture 27 (Apr 23): Solving non-linear advection

Lecture 28 (Apr 25): Solving full Richards Equation